Nauka. Obshchestvo. Oborona. - Info.
Network Journal "Nauka. Obŝestvo. Oborona"
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Contract with the Scientific Electronic Library (eLIBRARY)
No. 320-05 / 2013 of 27.05.2013.
ISSN 2311-1763 (Online)
DOI 10.24412/2311-1763 previous to (2013-2020) - 10.24411/2311-1763
Approximate subjects and (or) specialization: educational, cultural and educational in the field of organization of scientific activities, publication of research results, development of Russian society, its political culture, problems of military science and defense of Russia, domestic history, military history, countering attempts to falsify and distort history to the detriment of Russia's interests, advertising in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on advertising.
Founder: Vladimir G. Kiknadze
Editor-in-Chief: Vladimir G. Kiknadze
Address of the editorial office:
125445, Moscow, st. Levoberezhnaya, 4, bldg. 12, apt. 32
Тел.: +7(926)336-72-58
All articles of the Journal are on the website in OPEN ACCESS
The full text of the articles in OPEN ACCESS:
- CyberLeninka (
- Index Copernicus International World of Journals
The publication is included in the Russian Index of Scientific Citation (RSCI)
According to the results of 2021:
five-year impact factor RSCI 0.295
two-year impact factor RSCI 0.537
Articles are placed in the
- Scientific Electronic Library (eLIBRARY)
- Index Copernicus International World of Journals
Currently, the following sections of the Scientific Publication are provided:
- International relationships
- World politics: history, theory and practice
- Migration processes in the global world
- Problems of War and Peace
- Modern Russia
- Russian society: history and modernity
- Patriotic education
- Public and State Security
- Army, Government and Society
- Health Nation
- Military security
- Military training and education
- Armament and military equipment: history and modernity
- Special services: history and modernity
- Philosophy of Science
- Scientific personnel
- Information Technology: Science and Practice
- Objective History
- History in Faces
- History of the Great Victory
- Historiography
- History of faith, religion, denomination or church
- History of the Cossacks
- Art: history and modernity
Responsibility for the reliability of information, the accuracy of figures and citations, as well as for the fact that the materials do not have data not subject to public publication, are the authors.
The electronic edition of "Science, Society, Defense" publishes only those materials and documents in which there is an address of the author (postal or e-mail), academic degree, academic title, telephone number, his full position, job, surname, name, patronymic, the number, month and year of birth, ORCID id, SCOPUS id, AuthorID. Authors should provide a annotation (200-250 words) for their material and keywords (7-10) in Russian and English, as well as contact information for correspondence, which will be placed in the publication.
Authors can send their manuscripts to the e-mail address of the publication.
In accordance with the current legislation, the editors have the right not to enter into correspondence with authors, manuscripts, materials sent to the editorial office and electronic media do not return.
The editorial position does not necessarily coincide with the point of view of the authors.
When reprinting materials, a reference to "Science, Society, Defense" is mandatory.
The royalties are not paid.
Post-graduate fees are not charged for the publication of manuscripts.